Office of the Imams

We are committed to supporting you on your journey to the path of Allah

We're here to help.

If you have a quick question, one of the Imams is available for stand-up hours after every Jumuah in the lobby. For more information on connecting with an Imam please view this FAQ.

Frequently Requested Services

Wellness Referral
Coming Soon

Programming for the community

We are delighted to offer a variety of virtual and in-person programs to ensure that no matter where you are, you’re able to join our programming. We invite you to click on each program to learn more.

Visit our Fiqh Database to view frequently asked religious questions or submit your own inquiry!

Fiqh: the body of Islamic jurisprudence or law. In Islam it also means understanding, comprehension and knowledge.

Ask the Imam Q&A on Facebook and Instagram Live
Featured Multimedia

God in Islam

Who is Allah? It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is

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Zakat ul Fitr

The Social & Welfare Committee collects Zakat-ul-Fitr during the month of Ramadan. You may pay online by selecting Zakat-ul-Fitr from the donation dropdown menu, or by using a marked envelopes deposited

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A Prayer for Newlyweds

Chosen by Mohamed Baianonie, Imam at the Islamic Center of Raleigh, NC   All praises and thanks to Allaah, the Lord of all that exists, and peace and blessings upon

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Below are printable resources regarding Fiqh and COVID-19 as well as other documents prepared by the Imams' Office.

Meet the Imams

Muamar Dahnoun

Lead Imam
Imam Mohamed Badawy

Mohamed Badawy

Imam/Religious Specialist

Saif Morad

Resident Scholar

Contact the Imams

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
